Why Self Love?

Research shows that people with healthy self love experience fewer mental health issues, and a lower risk for many health complications like stroke, heart disease, and more. In my experience, self love has had an enormous impact on my mental and physical health. Not loving myself meant I spent my days burned out and exhausted, and my nights tossing and turning. And day or night, I was pretty unhappy a lot of the time.

What is self love, really? It is defined as high regard for one’s own well being and happiness. How do we develop it? The simple answer is the way we develop it in any relationship - over time, through small acts that build trust and show love.

But so many of us have so many obstacles when it comes to self love. We struggle to be tender and loving to ourselves, to look out for our own best interests, even to care for our basic needs at times. This course will help you create the foundation of self love that you need to experience peace and joy, to go after what you want, and to become the person you want to be.

Am I the right guide for you?

It's an important question! I'm not for everyone. Let's see if we vibe, shall we?

I believe in:

-Radical self acceptance
(radical because not doing so is what oppressive systems count on)

-Decolonizing everything
(white supremacy delusion has ALL of us messed up)

-The human capacity to heal deeply (we are capable of profound and lasting change)

-Well-timed expletives (sometimes nothing else says it quite right)

-Laughter as medicine (I vouch for its legit healing powers )

-Healing as an individual responsibility that happens in community (There's only so much healing we can do alone)

Still not certain? Read the testimonials below for more insight into what I offer.

"I have continued awareness and empowerment"


Being a part of Leatha's courses has helped me become self aware, provided me with the shared knowledge of tools I had, but deeper. I have dug deeper within myself to continue to show myself the love & care that I could easily do for others, but had always struggled getting reciprocated in my relationships. 

I have lasting messages that play in my everyday continued awareness and empowerment of myself. I am so grateful for Leatha and her shared knowledge & experience to help me stay and know I am empowered by with being ok to set boundaries & it’s ok to put myself first.

Today I am a Certified Personal Trainer with a passion of continuing to show up for myself first that has aided my successfully showing up for others to share they too can choose to empower themselves!

"Leatha...gave us do-able practices for the real world"


It's been an honor and privilege to have been able to attend Leatha's classes. She created a place in which we can gather in community and have open and honest discussions on a variety of topics concerning self love, and healing as well as boundaries, and parenting just to name a few. The solutions or thought-provoking ideas Leatha would challenge us with were all doable practices for the "real" world rather than "idealistic" situations, and for me it has been amazing to learn how to use essential oils and other modalities along with these new healing practices.

The lessons and practices I have learned and implement today in my own life are all thanks to Leatha and there is no way to adequately pay her for the vast knowledge I have gained from her classes!

"She always offered a safe space."


Leatha’s coaching sessions have been a great benefit to my mental health journey. I can remember at that point in time in my personal journey with my mental health that there were still so many things I didn’t understand about what I was struggling with. Living with anxiety and depression; I constantly needed something to grab my attention in a positive way and offer support. I found that and then some whenever I joined one of Leatha’s sessions! She is like a well of information and I was completely blown away by just how much she knew! She always offered a safe space for the participants to be open and share in group discussions about whatever topic we were involved with. I would look forward to every single Monday night session regardless of the topic because I knew I was going to learn something new. I highly recommend Leatha’s teachings to anyone. The only thing that I disliked was that she took a break; I greatly missed them. But she’s starting back up!

"It...sent me on a path to real, lasting change."


Leatha's sessions came into my life at the perfect time. I had a lot of changes happening in my life and they helped me spend focused time on myself setting my week up for success. The program helped me recognize elements of my life that needed attention, parts of my life that I had neglected for decades without even realizing.

I was able to reflect on the parts of the program that were relevant to my life in a safe non-judgmental environment. I was able to share what I felt and learned from hearing other participants' ideas and self-reflection. I was in the comfort of my own home where I could let myself feel whatever I needed at the time. I was also able to sit and quietly listen, which I did in the beginning as there was no pressure to do anything but listen until I was ready. When I was ready to talk the group welcomed my contribution with arms wide open.

Leatha's openness to help the group learn from her journey along with her kind heart made this the perfect group for me. I looked forward to learning something new each week. It was one of the first times in my life I truly set that time aside and did something specifically for me. It was life-changing and set me on a path to real lasting change. The kind of change with no pressure, no deadline, just continual growth, and recognition that I am worthy of self-love no matter what stage of my journey I am in. 

Learning that change is not instantaneous or linear but circular and that a bad day does not mean your not healing or doing well is something that helps me often. I have taken all of these lessons and am passing them on to my teenage daughter hoping it will help her as she learns who she is and her worth.

Leatha, thank you for helping me self-reflect and change my life for the better. Your sessions and the essential oils combined will forever be part of my life. I will use these as my foundation as I continue my life of continual growth and change.

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