This workshop will be given on Zoom Wednesday, March 6th, 6 - 8:30 pm MST.

A recording of the Zoom will be made available for ticket holders for 30 days following the workshop.

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Parenting IS Activism: How to be a Liberated Parent Raising Liberated Kids

"When we love, we commit to fighting against injustice, against our own fear and complacency, against all the forces that seek to divide us and diminish our spirits." - bell hooks

This is the workshop for you if any of the following apply to you:

-you are or want to be a parent. this is applicable to all ages

-you want to raise liberated kids but often feel lost, confused, and/or triggered as you try to do so

-your kids challenge your ways of thinking about oppression and you feel uncertain how to respond

-you want to consistently disrupt oppression and raise kids who do that too

-you feel guilt or shame about not doing enough to fight oppression

-you feel inadequate instilling values in your children that are still evolving or new to you

-you struggle to find the language to communicate your values to your kids

-you are changing and evolving in your own anti-oppressive journey and navigating how that impacts parenting is challenging

Come to this workshop and you will walk away with:

-tools for parenting from an anti-oppressive framework

-an understanding of how to deepen your capacity for this work

-practical tips on how to model and communicate values of liberation

-how to work together in a family unit to create an environment conducive to this - so it is not just another thing to add to your parenting to do list

-how to "undo" what we instilled in our children when we were working from a coercive paradigm

-the invaluable experience of community - being with other folks trying to do what you're doing

Am I the right guide for you?

It's an important question! I'm not for everyone. Let's see if we vibe, shall we?

I believe in:

-Radical self acceptance
(radical because not doing so is what oppressive systems count on)

-Decolonizing everything
(white supremacy delusion has ALL of us messed up)

-The human capacity to heal deeply (we are capable of profound and lasting change)

-Well-timed expletives (sometimes nothing else says it quite right)

-Laughter as medicine (I vouch for its legit healing powers )

-Healing as an individual responsibility that happens in community (There's only so much healing we can do alone)

Still not certain? Read the testimonials below for more insight into what I offer.

"Leatha creates a space where everyone is heard, valued and met with compassion."


The first half of my life was spent following, obeying and doing what I needed to do to create safety, connection and belonging. I did the things that I knew would bring me validation. As I have grown and developed, I began wondering what my own personal values are and how to create a life that reflects and is in harmony with those values. Leatha creates a space where everyone is heard, valued and met with compassion. She has taught me to meet myself there as well. Her workshop helped me to see where I have been out of alignment in the past and how I could take accountability and repair relationships with others and myself. Her curriculum pushed me to take an honest look at how I was using my time, resources and energy. Leatha has helped me understand that I can have a truly fulfilling life, without exhaustion and overwhelm, by choosing activities, relationships, work and activism that align with my values. Her love for herself, her work and those she teaches is a gift and I will continue to spend time and money for her courses, workshops and classes.

"Her real life examples empower me with the words and tools I need"


"Going into this course I felt pretty good about my ability to hold space, but came out of the class realizing that holding space is a skill that needs to be sharpened, practiced and deepened continually throughout my life. The ability and capacity to hold space is vital for healthy connection and repair in every single relationship we have. It's vital if we are going to do the work of decolonizing ourselves and our relationships. Leatha has a way of teaching in a short time what some could write volumes about. Her real life examples empower me with the words and tools I need to immediately implement these skills into my relationships and the work I want to do in the world. I've learned from Leatha both in person and in a group and while both are powerful, being in community with others helps the information just sink in even deeper. Leatha offers insightful questions for small groups to discuss, encourages safe practice of our holding space skills in real time, and gives us each the permission to participate to the level we choose. This course should be required for all humans. I can imagine what the world would look like if everyone knew how to hold space, and it's beautiful. Thank you Leatha. I'll be revisiting the course over and over and over again. "
